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    This Is What It Would Look Like If Liz Lemon Had An OkCupid Profile

    "I spend a lot of time thing about... Lunch"

    Sometimes we have to ask ourselves the important questions, such as "what would Liz Lemon's dating profile look like?" Would she traverse the social world of the internet any better than she does in real life?

    Fear not, good people of the internet, because those questions have been answered. I took it upon myself to channel my own Lemony muse in the realm of OkCupid between plates of night cheese and glasses of Funky Juice.

    She would, of course, have to answer some simple questions to find potential matches.

    And let's be real, Jack would probably hack the "About me" section of her profile right off the bat. He is, after the all, the man who knows her better than she knows herself.

    Her profile would be brutally honest and food-centric.

    Emphasis on the brutally honest.

    And of course, her interactions when other human men would reflect all of her social ineptitudes.

    Yeah, until something like this happens.

    Well there you have it. Liz Lemon, everyone, the ultimate dream woman.