11 Reasons You Should Be Watching "Liberty Of London"

    The second part of the documentary all about London's world-famous department store airs tonight.

    1. For this marvellous shade throwing.

    2. You learn that every member of staff gets a handwritten birthday card.

    3. You can see some beautiful earrings, from the 2nd Century BC!

    4. You get sumptuous shots like this.

    5. And this.

    6. Because Louis the assistant gives the best face.

    7. Because the Goods In team are so grumpy.

    8. Because of the amazing Shukla, who's been at Liberty for 40 years.

    9. To find out exciting celebrity trivia, like this.

    10. To learn that Liberty the shop is actually a woman, according to receptionist Judy Rose.

    11. Sorry, one more gif of Louis.

    Catch up with episode one here.