16 Mesmerizing Reasons The World Is Ready For A Ja Rule Comeback

    He's always there when you call.

    1. When you think of pop-rap in the 2000s, one name comes to mind: Ja Rule.

    2. And the ingredients are all present for him to come back in full force in 2015.

    3. MTV is producing a reality TV show about his family called Follow the Rules.

    4. He released a memoir this year called Unruly, about growing up in Queens, hip-hop, fatherhood, and his time in prison.

    5. He understands the importance of social media and taking care of yourself.

    6. OK, so his rapping doesn't get the most acclaim, but his marble-raw voice? Evergreen.

    7. Take a moment and remind yourself. It's like sweetened gravel.


    8. His hooks are probably still stuck in your mind 10 years later.

    9. Fine, that beef with 50 Cent hurt his career, but Ja doesn't need to pretend anymore!

    10. He can embrace his sensitive side.

    11. Dude is cute as fuck. Just look at him.

    12. His fusion of singing and rapping has been carried on by artists like Drake and Childish Gambino.

    13. Think about how popular romantic male-female hip-hop duets have been this decade...

    14. ...Ja Rule is the KING of hip-hop love songs. HE RULES OVER THEM. JA RULES, THAT IS.

    15. He was the voice of a generation! There's even a website which finds the perfect Ja song for your emotional needs.

    16. He has an album in the works, but we should keep our fingers crossed for an iconic Ja Rule collaboration with Ashanti, J.Lo, or heck, even Rihanna.

    Get on it, Ja Rule. The world misses your voice.