Definitive Proof Every Dude Looks Dapper As Fuck In A Sherwani

    It's like a tuxedo, but double the everything.

    A sherwani is desi formalwear, worn most often at weddings.

    You've probably seen a sherwani before...

    ...and had your breath taken away by the elegant dude wearing it.

    Jamal rocked one on an episode of Empire.

    That's because, like a tailored suit or tuxedo....

    ...a sherwani makes EVERYONE look like they've got royal business to take care of.

    Just look at the flyness:

    If you or your dude decides to wear one, remember — a well-fitted black sherwani, like a black suit, is a classic look that anybody can pull off.

    White and cream are common colors for grooms, accentuated with rich, regal red and gold highlights.

    Sherwanis are a beautiful canvas on which to experiment with pattern and color.

    You can also have fun with black, like this handsome dude who does it big with his buttons.

    A sherwani is the perfect canvas for a full, groomed beard.

    Basically, feel free to experiment! You're gonna look fucking slick no matter what.

    You can also keep it casual, although you'll have to deal with admirers asking you why you look so goddamn fly.

    Roll deep with a squad and you'll be twice as killa.

    Bring your little bro along in your sherwani gang too. He'll look wise beyond his years.

    The sky is the limit.

    Your dapperness will be measured by the level of confidence you have in yourself and in your tailor.

    Sherwanis 4 life, y'all.