18 Hilarious Pictures That Are Perfect To "Final Fantasy" Fans

    "Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!" - Tidus

    1. This time Rinoa tried to hit on Squall:

    2. Which made him incredibly vain:

    3. When even Yuna was tired of Tidus' shit:

    Square Enix

    4. When you got ambushed by a Marlboro:

    5. When Auron turned Yuna's summons into gym #swelfies:

    Square Enix

    6. That moment before you get on a treadmill:

    7. When priorities were a little different in the '90s:

    8. This terrible, terrible joke:

    9. Or this one when Squall got shanked by a giant ice-block:

    10. When this Tumblr post accurately summed up Kefka:

    11. This time Squall had incredible bedside manner:

    12. When your memory played tricks on you:

    13. When the nobles weren't impressed:

    14. When you wished someone told you beforehand:

    15. When Tidus was just totally done with life:

    Square Enix

    16. And when Square Enix finally knew it was time to break the glass:


    17. Which made you laugh when you imagined this scene in glorious HD:

    18. Buuuuut then this happened: