"Glee" Star Naya Rivera Welcomes Immigrants To America In Directorial Debut

    The PSA, airing first on BuzzFeed, is a journey that keeps you guessing about what unites the diverse group of people in New York City.

    Glee star Naya Rivera debuted her first directorial effort on Tuesday, premiering a project many might not expect — a look at the cultural side of the immigration debate for Immigrant Heritage Month.

    The video follows people of different backgrounds passing an envelope to each other, the contents of which aren't revealed until the end.

    "The way it weaved through people's lives, we’re all interconnected," Rivera told BuzzFeed. "We wanted to make it fluid and beautiful."

    She said the story mattered to her personally.

    "Aside from being a Latina, my family immigrated from Puerto Rico and Yugoslavia so I know all about that," she said. "I wouldn’t be able to do what I do today if they didn’t come to America. Everybody has an immigration story."

    Rivera was interested in making a stylized video, complete with 360 degree shots, that took take place in New York City.

    Rivera said the political side of the immigration debate can sometimes take away from the big picture.

    "Immigration shows how beautiful America is as a country, how diverse it is," she said.

    Watch the full PSA to see what's in that envelope.

    View this video on YouTube
