19 Facts That Anyone With An Older Brother Is Familiar With

    Big brother, big pain in the butt.

    1. He somehow managed to convince you as children that putting your own personal safety at risk is somehow "fun."

    2. And even if he couldn't convince you it's fun, he probably did it anyway.

    3. There is an inevitable period of time when he thinks that calling you by inappropriate nicknames is the best idea ever.

    4. And so you learned about off-color language at a pretty accelerated rate.

    5. You'll have had to deal with his version of a haircut at some point.

    6. He will always eat your food without asking.

    7. He'll never admit the possibility that you might beat him at something.

    8. And as kids, he was never above a bit of sabotage when it came to beating you at games.

    9. He believes that he always has first dibs on the TV.

    I'm trying to sleep! 🔫 #brotherproblems

    Even when you are trying to sleep and the noise is keeping you awake. ಠ_ಠ

    10. At least once growing up, he will have used basic household items as a method of keeping you away from his stuff.

    11. That is, if he wasn't using them as a makeshift jail to stick you in.

    12. You'll have received at least one terrible gift from him, just because he feels like he can get away with it.

    13. "Bonding" isn't always friendly.

    14. And he can be very "persuasive" when convincing you not to tell your parents about something bad he's done.

    15. He'll need to assert his "older brother supremacy" at various points in your lives and will use any argument necessary to do so.

    16. Sometimes, you just have to share stories to commiserate with fellow brother-havers.

    17. Every once in a while, things can get rough between you two.

    18. And at least once, you will do whatever you can to try to get him out of your life.

    19. But in the end, you remember that no matter what new and scary experiences life throws your way, he'll be there to help you through them.