Former President Warren Harding And Carson From "Downton Abbey" Look Exactly The Same

    They've got to be related, at least.

    This is Warren Harding, the 29th President of the United States of America.

    And this is Mr. Carson, a character on Downton Abbey played by actor Jim Carter.

    And these men look SO similar.

    Hulton Archive / Getty Images / ITV / PBS

    At the very least, they've got to be brothers?

    Hulton Archive / Getty Images / ITV / PBS

    At the very least, they've got to be brothers?

    Hulton Archive / Getty Images / ITV / PBS

    At the very least, they've got to be brothers?

    The series takes place around the same time as Harding's presidency, so...perhaps it will be revealed that Carson shares parentage with the prez???