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    The 9 Worst Tech Offenses Committed By Parents

    We all love Mom and Dad, but sometimes the way they use technology drives us up the wall. Here are some of the more egregious offenses:

    1. Having no concept of the appropriate texting frequency.

    2. Sharing mundane or inappropriate stories on updates on Facebook in an effort to be funny.

    3. Chiming in on comments and threads with your friends, or posting comments on questionable Facebook pictures from five years ago.

    4. Once emojis enter the picture, peppering every message with a slew of winky faces and shooting stars.

    5. Finally getting “high speed Internet,” but still using a PC from 2005, and being unable to understand why their computer runs slowly.

    6. Signing texts and misunderstanding explanations of text acronyms.

    7. Using ancient web-browsers pre-loaded to the computer, and making search queries in Ask Jeeves, AOL, and Yahoo.

    8. Sending you a “private message” by writing on your Facebook wall, with the end result that you get mundane or embarrassing notes signed “Love Dad” left for all the world to see.

    9. To parents, “back up” means driving in reverse. When their computer crashes they’re destined to freak out because they’ve now lost everything.

    Well, at least your parents can easily address the last issue. With Acronis True Image 2015, even computer novices can easily backup their entire system - whether it's a Mac or PC. But be warned, if your parents use it and their computer crashes, they'll be back to emailing you a funny joke their co-worker sent in a matter of hours.