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    1987 MTV Commercial Proves College Life Was Awesome Back Then

    How awesome? Slow-motion-cartwheel awesome.

    How awesome was college life in the '80s? Let's use this 1987 MTV commercial for Drake University to track a day in the life of an undergrad.

    In 1987, you woke up in the morning...

    Put on your shades...

    Sprinted to class...

    And worked on cutting-edge computers.

    You could make charts and stuff.

    And print important reports.

    After class, you'd enjoy a bite to eat...

    Maybe play some intramural sports...

    Then you'd hit the party. In style.

    Meeting people was totally easy.

    You'd ask them on a date, and nervously await the response... until...

    Success! He said yes!

    Then you'd do a slow motion cartwheel.

    And that was life, pretty much. At least at Drake University. Here's the full commercial:

    View this video on YouTube

    What was life like at your school in the '80s?