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    The Ancient Egyptians Were Badasses

    Way ahead of their time, they got stuff done with style and pizazz. So ancient yet so similar to some celeb royalty that we see today!

    The youngest Pharaoh ever - Tutankhamun.

    Introducing the youngest royal couple... Tutankhuman and Ankhesenamun.

    Another famous couple in Ancient Egypt... Cleopatra and Marc Antony.

    The Great Pharoah Akhenaten...

    Queen Nefertiti...

    Who run the world? OPRAH! I mean GIRLS!

    Ancient Egyptians had a grasp of modern medicine!

    The Ancient Egyptians invented paper!

    Makeup was considered a source of power in Ancient Egypt!

    Did you know that the Ancient Egyptians invented boardgames?

    Ramses the Great was a serious ladies man!

    Ancient Egyptians worshipped cats!

    The ancient Egyptians forged one of the earliest peace treaties on record.

    King Pepi II was a demanding bad ass.

    And finally... Ancient Egyptians loved their Beer!