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The Ranking Of The 15 Absolute Worst Times To Sneeze

There is nothing worse than a poorly timed sneeze. Don't let allergies catch you off guard — try ZYRTEC®.

15. When you see bae and tryna look cute.

14. When your class is silent during a test.

13. During the most suspenseful moment in a movie.

12. When you're trying to kick it with the crew.

11. Belting out that last line in your senior recital.

10. While your boss is holding a super-important meeting.

9. When you're cooking up some dinner.

8. When you're trying to be real serious.

7. When you're walking with your arms loaded with grocery bags.

6. When you're interviewing for your dream job.

5. While you're riding in a crowded elevator.

4. When you're playing an intense game of hide-and-seek.

3. While you're practicing your somersaults underwater.

2. When you're trying to get a fresh new cut.

1. Going in for a kiss after that first date.

But the worst place of them all to get caught off guard by a wicked sneeze would be...

...when you are driving in your car.