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12 Things You Never Thought You'd Give Up

After a while, there are some things you just need to upgrade. How many of these did you give up?

1. Dialup internet for high-speed internet.

2. Pagers for cell phones.

3. Video games for real life.

4. Hopes and dreams for money

5. Stick shift for an automatic transmission.

6. Meat for meatless Mondays.

7. Skateboard for a car.

8. Your old T-shirts for an adult wardrobe.

9. Ten disgusting shots for one cocktail when you go out with friends.

10. Your allowance for a real job.

11. A wad of cash for a bank account.

12. Sodas with artificial flavors and colors for soda that's naturally sweetened.

Behold, soda drinkers! Zevia is the zero calorie soda that is naturally sweetened, clear in color, and is Non-GMO Project Verified. So relax. You can still enjoy a sweet bubbly soda without the guilt.