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    This Planner Was LITERALLY Made For Book Lovers & You Need It


    Calling all book nerds! There's a new planner that will make you feel organized AF and it was made just for you.

    Meet Megan Easter.

    Towards the end of last year, Easter had the brilliant idea to make a planner just for "book lovers".

    Not only does the planner look gorgeous, it includes everything a book lover needs.

    Ever wanted one of those book spreads that people always put in their bullet journals? This planner has that!

    At the beginning of each month there's a space for your to-be-read list, or TBR, as well as a calendar for new releases.

    Then, at the end of each month there's a space for your book reviews.

    There's also a "Monthly Wrap-Up" spread so you can keep track of the books you purchased and your fave quotes.

    Besides the bookish features, there's also space for your 2018 goals, shows to binge watch, movies to see, and more!

    Unfortunately, the planner is sold out at the moment, but that doesn't mean it won't be back in stock.

    Easter even seemed to hint recently that there could more planners coming soon on her Instagram story.

    You can follow her on Instagram to get regular updates on her shop and be the first to know if the planner goes back on sale.