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10 Important Life Lessons We Learned From RPGs

What's life, really, if not the ultimate role-playing game? Level up with the ultimate event in geekdom: YouTube Geek Week, see what you missed.

1. Everyone hides their valuables in pots and plants around their house.

2. Even if a sword is five times your body weight, you'll still be able to lift it like it ain't no thing.

3. Wild animals are always -- always -- carrying cold, hard cash. For some reason.

4. If you kill enough rats then you're 100% qualified to save the world.

5. Everyone anywhere will always want to stop and chat with you.

6. If someone has any form of amnesia, then they're probably the Chosen One.

7. No matter how close to death you are, if you get a good night's sleep then you'll be back to full health the next day.

8. The world might be ending any day now, but there's always time to kick back and fish for a few hours.

9. No matter how ancient a dungeon is, it'll always be conveniently lit with torches.

10. Nobody's capable of doing anything ever. Except for you.