We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    If You Hate Wasting Time, You Don't Want To Miss Out On These 31 Products

    I won't waste your precious time, just scroll down for some clever time-saving products.

    1. microwave omelet maker, because you can whip up breakfast without a pan in just minutes. This useful device can go from the microwave to the dishwasher, so you can just get on with your day.

    The omelet maker next to an omelet on a serving board

    Promising review: "This brings omelets to my weekday breakfast. I've been trying to eat a low-carb diet, and the idea of eggs for breakfast appeals to me. But, I am *so* NOT a morning person; and getting up early to stir a low-n-slow scramble just does not work for me. I've tried microwaving eggs in custard cups but they always turned out either soupy and underdone or firm but dry and rubbery. But this makes them Just Right, every time, in two minutes flat. That's less time than it takes me to brew my coffee. Two or three eggs, some herbs, a few chopped veggies, and perhaps a sprinkle of cheese makes for a quick, easy, and tasty breakfast." —Vanilla Chameleon

    Get it from Amazon for $17.95.

    2. Or, an easy breakfast sandwich maker so you can make a quick and delicious breakfast — no long lines necessary! Skip the drive-thru and the morning rush and you'll even save some dough.

    The sandwich maker showing all the parts
    A review image of a cheesy sandwich

    It'll cook eggs, veggies, meats, and toast up English muffins, biscuits, and even small bagels. It comes with a recipe book and it's dishwasher safe!

    Promising review: "The best small appliance I have ever bought! My husband buys the microwaveable egg sandwiches that are frozen and they are pretty expensive, especially when you buy enough for the month. He just grabs one and goes to work. So not only did this little gadget work as well as it said, it will save us money in the long run. The food is better since it's fresher, and I just couldn't believe it took five minutes. The sandwich was done and without all that messy frying and smelling up the house. Now, this is so easy. I want to buy one for my kids, the one at college and the newlywed. Also, the one here on Amazon was cheaper than the one I saw at the store and I had it in two days." —Mistie Morgan

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99.

    3. winged eyeliner stamp, because it's so hard (and time-consuming) to get the perfect winged eyeliner every time — until now. This dual-sided applicator has a stamp and pen so you won't have to feel like your arms are about to fall off when you attempt for the hundredth time to get your eyeliner right.

    reviewer with the wings stamped on the corner of their eyes
    the same reviewer after connecting the stamped wings to their inner corner with the eyeliner

    Promising review: "I bought this for me since I’m not very good at cat-eye eyeliner looks and I love them. This was a hit and so easy to use! The pigment is amazing and lasted all night without smudging or fading. I had to use makeup remover oil to remove it. Now since I have two teen daughters this didn’t stay in my makeup case for long; my daughter uses it and I gave her mine and will be picking up another one for me soon. Happy I tried it and will continue to purchase it again." —Amber Barcelona

    Get it from Amazon for $11.98 (available in three sizes and a combo pack).

    4. robotic vacuum with over 45,000 5-star ratings — it's like having a maid to do one of your most dreaded tasks when you're just not in the mood to waste your time cleaning. And you can control it from the comfort of your couch with a remote! Sit back in front of your AC and let this robot do all the dirty work.

    Gif of reviewer's video showing robotic vacuum moving across the floor
    Reviewer showing the inside of dust bin after using the robotic vacuum

    Promising review: "I've been in the market for a robo vac for quite some time, and, after a recent back surgery, vacuuming manually wasn't easy. I purchased this vacuum and have been very pleased with it. Its slim design gets under the dressers, beds, other furniture, and all the tight spaces that I couldn't get to with an upright vacuum cleaner. This makes a very low sound while in use, and honestly, I don't even realize it's operating, as the sound is pleasant (not loud at all)." —Teach3

    Get it from Amazon for $229.99 (available in two colors).

    5. And a robotic mop so you don't have to carry a heavy bucket all around your home. And, you never have to worry about dealing with a dirty mop again! Go ahead and catch up on your fave show while this vac catches up on some much needed cleaning.

    The iRobot vacuum spraying a cleaner on a floor covered in muddy prints

    BTW: You can add voice control by combining this with Alexa!

    Promising review: "I was a little price leery on this but I've just been struggling to mop as much as I need to. I have three cats and I already have a regular vacuum robot that is amazing, but the idea of a mopping robot seemed different, like it wouldn't be helpful. Then after falling behind on cleaning we finally decided to splurge and buy one and omg — it's amazing. I should have given in a long time ago. My floors are so much cleaner and I have the reusable pads and when I clean them I see just how much dirt this little mop robot is helping me clean." —Christina H.

    Get it from Amazon for $389.99.

    6. Plus, a robot window cleaner, because you'll be able to pass that frustrating task over to technology — and avoid going outside in the heat. This can also be used on shower walls, mirrors, and even floors! Grab some wine, sit back, and watch this thing go.

    Reviewer's device cleaning a shower wall
    A gif of the cleaner in action

    The Gladwell Gecko Robot Window Cleaner uses AI to clean every inch of your windows and is especially handy if you can't reach the tops of your tall windows. It comes with an app so you can control it from your phone.

    Promising review: "Probably the first product of this nature that I have bought in my lifetime that came out of the box and worked flawlessly. It cleaned the third story windows of our condominium very well. The robotic program in the device worked without a hitch. Besides doing a fine job of cleaning it was kind of fun to just watch it perform. My only minor complaint was that the instructions were a little brief and left a few questions that were answered only when we started the device. Recommend it highly." —Owen Patotzka

    Get it from Amazon for $199.95 (available in two colors).

    7. A microwave bacon cooker if you wake up with bacon on your mind (because same) but the thought of whipping out a pan, remembering to flip the bacon, and then draining all that grease just kills your joy, you need this. 

    Microwave time is just 1 minute per slice! The tray catches all the grease, and it's dishwasher safe!

    Promising review: "Best thing since sliced bread! I love everything about it. You can do 12 pieces of bacon at a time. So it's fast. It is super easy to clean, and stores flat. Best thing I've bought in a long time." —booklover

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99.

    8. A weekly shower spray that doesn't require any elbow grease. All you have to do is spray, go to bed, and wash it off in the morning. This cleaner is bleach-free and prevents soap scum buildup when used regularly. 

    A dirty shower door
    The same door now clean after using the spray

    Promising review: "Life changing!! This stuff is AMAZING!!! It cleaned my shower so well and the buildup stayed gone for over a week (forgot to do it at the one-week mark)." —ashley

    Get it from Amazon for $20.98+ (available in two scents and two- and four-packs). 

    9. A nonstick sectioned skillet to save time by making multiple things at once and with way less cleaning up to do later. You can make an omelet in one section while you perfectly brown home fries and sausages in other sections. I mean...where has this pan been all my life?!

    This features five compartments, only requires one burner, and is stain-resistant, PFOA-free, and oven and dishwasher safe.

    Promising review: "I am so in love with this pan. I can cook several things at once for breakfast even if I use it to cook my fajitas and the other compartments for what I like with the fajitas. I put mine in the dishwasher and was a little scared but it cleaned it without any scratches or rust." —Shawnie Fennell

    Get it from Amazon for $49.35.

    10. A handheld garment steamer, because those carefree days when you could just throw on a crumpled up T-shirt have come to an end. Don't worry, you won't have to whip out an ironing board. This genius device takes only 30 seconds to heat up and you can just smooth away wrinkles while your shirt is on a hanger. 

    A white and teal plastic steamer with three gray plastic attachments
    Reviewer's before-and-after results of using steamer on shirt

    Promising review: "I'm a TV wardrobe stylist, and I do a lot of steaming. This is hands down the best steamer I've ever used. It doesn't spit water out, warms up very quickly, and will steam multiple garments before it needs a refill. I love that it has a button and a lock to keep it on (my last one just turned on... no button to pause the steam). The brush attachment is awesome, and pulls the fabric as you steam, which pulls the wrinkles out more quickly." —Monkaloo

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99+ (available in three colors).

    11. A three-pronged duster to easily clean between your blinds because, trust me, there's a ton of dust in there. One thing about becoming an adult is coming to terms with how much there is to clean! This tool will make the annoying task of dusting blinds super easy and way faster.

    Dirty three-pronged blinds cleaner after use
    Model swiping three-pronged cleaner across blinds

    The duster comes with five microfiber sleeves.

    Promising review: "A super time saver. It legitimately used to take us hours to clean all the blinds. We can now do all the faux-wood Venetian blinds in the house in about one hour. It's really nice that it comes with some spare cloths for it, and it's cheap enough to buy a whole additional set so we can make more than one kid do this chore at the same time." —R.D.

    Get it from Amazon for $6.99+ (available in two colors).

    12. A handheld garlic press so you can mince and crush garlic in a flash. It also comes with a garlic peeler and scraper so you'll be totally ready if a vampire arrives for dinner. 

    A model's hands holding the garlic press and empty the garlic pieces into a small bowl
    A closeup of the garlic press with a mini scraper tool and garlic peeling tool next it

    Promising review: "Easy to use! Easy to clean! Superior to a press and easier to use! No need for hesitation! Go ahead and buy it! You won't be disappointed!" —T. Star

    Get it from Amazon for $8.99+ (available in two colors).

    13. An herb stripper, because I looooove cilantro but I do not enjoy removing the leaves from the stems. I mean who has the patience? Clearly, not me. This genius tool will remove bitter stems quickly so you can avoid the frustrating task of stripping herbs.

    A model using the tool to strip herbs
    Shop Collin Garrity/Etsy

    Shop Collin Garrity is a small biz that specializes in wooden crafts, accessories, decor, and kitchen tools.

    Promising reviews: "Beautiful, beautiful work! I am so excited to finally have a herb stripper and one that is handmade! Fast shipping and the seller included a nice card with directions on how to use/wash the stripper as well as a beautiful postcard print. Thank you!" —Alex Saul

    "This is laser cut so I did a bit of sanding just to round the edges but the construction and quality is excellent! I just used it today on some tarragon and I was so happy for the amount is saved my hands!" —Kat

    Get it from Shop Collin Garrity on Etsy for $16 (available in three finishes).

    14. microwave pasta cooker so you can make pasta in minutes without having to babysit a pot of boiling water. You no longer have to worry about your pot overflowing or constantly checking to see if your noodles are ~perfect~.

    A reviewer photo of uncooked pasta and water in the clear, plastic microwave pasta cooker
    A photo from the same reviewer of cooked pasta and water in the clear, plastic microwave pasta cooker

    Promising review: "One of those 'why didn't I think of this?' kind of things. It makes cooking pasta so easy and foolproof! No trying to bend/break pasta to get it to fit into a round pan. The instructions tell you exactly how long to microwave it for the different size proportions." —EQUUS

    Get it from Amazon for $17.99.

    15. shirt-folding board, to help you keep your shirts tidy since your parents are no longer putting your clothes away in neat piles for you. Who knew folding a shirt could be so complicated?! This board will help you fold faster and your clothes will look as neat as a department store display.

    reviewer's messily folded clothes before, at 7:32 pm
    reviewer's perfectly folded clothes after at 7:57 pm

    Promising review: "My first reaction? 'Why did I buy this?' Then I opened the box and wasn't too convinced about the way it looked, as some edges look like they would quickly snap with use. Then I gave it a try with a couple of shirts I had just washed, and next thing you know I simply had to do my entire drawer! Everything folds so pretty, neat, and easy. I still couldn't believe it, so I ended up organizing our bedsheets and towels. I am amazed at how much of a game changer this is. Must try! Am in love with how beautiful it left my clothes." —Jesus Antonio Vedia

    Get it from Amazon for $16.99 (available in five colors).

    16. A versatile chopping device if a recipe calls for a bunch of chopped ingredients, so you don't have to abort mission. If you get frustrated by the time-consuming task of dicing onions and other foods, this will ~cut~ prep time in half.

    This set comes with eight interchangeable blades for slicing, julienne, grating, and shredding. It also includes two blade holders, a cleaning fork, and a safety holder to protect your fingers. 

    Promising review: "Such a great product! I used to spend anywhere from 5–15 minutes cutting veggies and now it literally takes seconds! Cuts down on my prep time significantly and doesn’t make cooking a chore anymore!" —Britney

    Get it from Amazon for $19.97+ (available in three blade options).

    17. An ice cream spring-powered scoop that'll ~finally~ make it easier to get your fave frozen treat out of the container without struggling or waiting for it to soften. All you have to do is press, twist, and pull the release trigger to scoop out ice cream in no time flat. And — this will help you create perfect homemade ice cream sandwiches.

    A model using the scoop to place ice cream on top of a chocolate cake

    Promising review: "Scoops just break or were to hard to use. This has been just what I have wanted for years. The plunge action doesn’t hurt my wrist to use, and the portions are much easier to use to build ice cream cones. Consistently dependable and worth the cost. Made sturdy of high grade stainless steel. Get one, you will be so glad you did!" —Jane Briggs

    Get it from Amazon for $18.95.

    18. A grape cutter, because dicing grapes to help reduce the risk of choking is super important but soooooo time consuming. You can get your kiddo's fave summer snack ready in minutes so they won't have to wait too long to bite into a juicy grape. 

    A gif showing the grape cutter in action
    A reviewer holding the grape cutter

    Promising review: "Yes. TikTok made me buy it. It’s awesome In my opinion. I use it for my fruit salads and my son's snacks. It’s helpful, and I think it saves a bit of time." —Amanda

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99.

    19. A set of peel and stick floor tiles so you can upgrade your floors quickly without a lot of effort or money.

    Before picture of a bathroom with two different colored brown tiles
    After picture showing the white tiles with black paint-like smudges throughout as tiles on the floor

    The tiles are water-resistant and washable. To apply, just peel the backing and stick to a clean floor. You don't need any special tools or even grout.

    Promising review: "I've only had these on my bathroom floor for a month or so, but they seem like they'll hold up. They were a bit of a pain in the ass to cut, but I didn't have the best tools or patience. The price is bananas for how good these look! They really transformed the room for cheap." —Picky Bargain Mom

    Get a 10-pack from Amazon for $17.41.

    20. And marble self-adhesive film, because you'll be able to transform boring surfaces in a snap. This is great for making your vanity, desk, or countertops look super fancy on a budget. 

    The film is made from vinyl/PVC film and is water-resistant. To apply, you cut the film to the size you need, remove the backing paper, put it on any dry and flat surface using a D-C-Fix smoother, and it will look as good as new.

    Promising review: "Wow!!! I can't believe how much this brightened up our bathroom!! The paper is very thick and seems very durable!! It looks beautiful! It is mostly easy to install. Just takes some patience. I watched videos on how other people did it first before attempting it myself which I think really helped!! Using a blow dryer to smooth it on helps prevent bubbles from getting caught underneath the paper. This cheap update made such a difference!!!"—Anna F.

    Get it from Amazon for $15.99+ (available in three designs and two sizes).

    21. Plus, some peel-and-stick staircase decals so you can ~step up~ your decor without stencils or paint (or using up a bunch of your precious time). 

    white stairs with dark wood treads; ever other stair riser features a faux-distressed black geometric pattern on white
    Bleucoin / Etsy

    BTW, if you're a renter, these are removable!

    Bleucoin is a small business that sells peel and stick decals for walls and floors.

    Promising review: "I LOVE these stair riser decals. They were super easy to use, they’re a nice thick vinyl so they’re not flimsy. It was shipped and delivered very quickly and the quality is great. I was able to put them on myself in less than an hour. I’d definitely recommend!" —Jennifer Dwyer

    Get one strip from Bleucoin on Etsy for $7.59+ (originally $9.49+; available in over 100 designs/colors here, 12 heights, and in either a glossy or matte finish).

    22. A watermelon cutter if you love watermelon, but usually avoid them because they're so difficult to slice. This device will help you create perfect cubes, fast. Plus, it's just soooo cool to watch it in action.

    gif of reviewer using the cutter to easily cut up half a watermelon
    The stainless steel cutter in a yellow watermelon

    BTW: This also includes a melon baller for any leftover pieces.

    Promising review: "This tool is so handy!! I hate cutting watermelon, and this is so fast and easy to use and easy to wash. I cut a watermelon in less than five minutes. It cuts yellow watermelon too!!! The included baller is great for the small left over, hard to reach places." —Andrea Draine

    Get it from Amazon for $12.37

    23. A hanging shelf organizer so you'll be able to "unpack" instantly. All you have to do is pull it out of your suitcase and hang it up in the closet. This allows you to activate vacay-mode ASAP because there's no need to put your things away.

    The organizer in a suitcase
    The organizer hanging

    Promising review: "Wow, makes my frequent travel much easier! No more unpacking! It fits perfectly in my small to medium bag and holds over a weeks worth of clothes. Big win so far!" —Jilda

    Get it from Amazon for $49.99+ (available in four sizes, two colors, and three styles).

    24. And a Lay-n-Go cosmetic bag, because it easily spreads open so you can find your sunscreen in no time flat without having to unpack all your stuff. And, when you're done, you just pull the drawstring to cinch the bag closed.

    A model opening the bag so it lays flat with all the makeup in it
    Lay-n-Go / YouTube / Via www.youtube.com

    Promising review: "I was tired of fumbling around in my cosmetics case and saw this. I was skeptical, but...WOW! On my recent two-week trip to Europe, with constant laying out and packing up, this item was wonderful. I could find what I wanted quickly, right away. Packing up was just a matter of pulling the drawstring. At first I wasn’t sure about changing to this bag, but now I could not do without it." —Mojosharkey

    Get it from Amazon for $24.95+ (available in three sizes and 31 colors and patterns).

    25. Or a waterproof toiletry bag so you won't have to worry about someone else using your expensive moisturizer because there's no need to sprawl your things all over the bathroom vanity — just hang it up in the bathroom! And, the clear compartments make it easy to find what you're looking for — no need waste your time digging through your suitcase to find your sunscreen.

    The unfolded toiletry bag filled with products hanging on a bathroom wall
    reviewer holding the pink toiletry bag, which is folded up into a small carrying case

    Promising review: "I waited too long to review this amazing bag. It's incredibly well made for the price, holds so many items, but somehow feels like it fits just fine in your suitcase without being too bulky. It's really nice to hang once you get to your destination, especially if the bathroom space is tight like in city hotels, or if you have numerous people using one bathroom, you can leave it hanging without being in the way. Anyway, buy now!" —Sarah B

    Get it from Amazon for $22.99+ (available in two sizes and 12 colors/styles).

    26. A Whiskware pancake batter mixer for your chef-in-training who loves to help out in the kitchen. As a parent, I know that extra ~help~ can lead to an extra big mess. But this bottle will allow your little one to mix and pour batter without a mixing bowl or spoons, and without getting batter all over the counter and their clothes. Since this allows you to mix and pour from the same container, that means fewer steps and dishes, which equals less time wasted — you're welcome.

    Someone pouring out batter from the Whiskware Pancake Batter Mixer with BlenderBall Wire Whisk
    A reviewer holding the bottle mixer in their hand filled with pancake batter

    You can even store leftover batter in the bottle and pop it in the fridge for a time-saving weekday breakfast!

    Promising review: "This is the best breakfast invention after the waffle maker. LOVE IT! As someone who makes pancakes or waffles three to four times a week (my kids are pretty spoiled, but breakfast is key to getting through the first part of the school day), this is the easiest and fastest way to get that done. I just add everything to the bottle, shake, and pour into the waffle maker or griddle. When I am done, just add some water, shake again, empty, and then place everything in the dishwasher." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $14.82+ (available in two colors and two pancake art kits).

    27. A two-pack of TikTok-famous Dan-O's seasoning that are low in sodium but full of flavor. If you don't want to spend time thinking about various seasoning combos, this takes all the guess work out for you. You can add this to everything from fish to meats and even veggies. These all natural seasonings are made with dried herbs, citrus, and granulated onion and garlic for more delish dishes. 

    two jars of spices
    The spices on a steak and mashed potatoes and green beans

    Dan O's Seasoning is a small biz that has over three million followers on TikTok because of their yummy food content.

    Promising review: "I saw this seasoning on TikTok (like most of you probably have), I didn’t believe the hype at first. I got the two pack to try. This stuff is amazing!! I love it! It is so good on everything! Can’t believe that it is low sodium because it doesn’t taste like it. I like to add the spicy Dan-O’s to a pizza with pineapple and bacon on it, turns it up to 11!!! I will be ordering more as soon as the stuff I have runs out, for sure!!" —Mike

    Get a pack of two (one original, one spicy) from Amazon for $13.98 (also available in a four-pack).

    28. cup rinser so you can tap into your inner barista and clean cups in a snap. IDK about you, but I've seen a similar one being used at Starbucks and always wished I could have something like that at home. Little did I know, that I actually could — and so can you! Parents, it even works on baby bottles and sippy cups so you can clean your little one's fave cup in a flash.

    Model using a flat round rinser to press a cup onto so it will spray a jet of water up into it to clean
    Reviewer washing a baby bottle

    To install, you can use the instructions and materials provided to easily hook it up to the hot water line. Note that this won't install on sinks without a flat edge!  

    Promising review: "Never knew I needed one until I saw it on TikTok, and with water bottles and toddler cups it is essential to my household!" —Gayla Brink

    Get it from Amazon for $22.99.

    29. An overnight foot cream with olive oil and shea butter for dried, cracked skin — hey, your feet need some love too. Reviewers say this cream is a "treat for feet." Rub this on and slide into bed — no need for a time-consuming beauty routine.

    A jar of foot cream
    Blinking Owl Acres/Etsy

    Blinking Owl Acres is a small business based in Texas committed to creating high-quality, handmade self-care items to add to your ritual. 

    Promising review: "Foot care of my dreams — it’s a real luxurious, breathable balm and it was so perfectly set in the jar once I opened it. I assumed it was going to be hard, but it was super soft and melted into a beautiful oil. I got the lavender and yarrow and the scent is not overpowering either — just right!" —Mariah

    Get it on from Blinking Owl Acres on Etsy for $18 (available in three scents).

    30. The beautiful Beast Blender you've probably seen all over your feed — with this, you'll be able to make an ice cold drink without having to drive all the way to a smoothie bar, saving you time and money. Not only is this so aesthetically pleasing, but reviewers say it's also wayyy quieter than other blenders. Just blend some ice with your coffee or make a fruit smoothie for a refreshing drink in the comfort of your home so you can avoid the ridiculously hot temps outside. 🥵 

    The blender in white next to lemons

    Promising review: "Works perfectly. Completely blends my frozen fruit smoothie without any chunks or hunks of fruit peel. Love it! It's very user-friendly and not as loud as other blenders." —Bobbie T.

    Get it from our Goodful shop for $148 (originally $165; available in three colors).

    31. A heavy-duty oven scrub made with pumice powder so it'll be easier and faster to remove stuck-on grime and splatter. Your oven will look so shiny and new you might just want to bake more often.

    gif of someone rubbing the paste on a dirty oven door and wiping the door clean with a cloth

    Everneat is a small business based in Fairfield, Connecticut, that specializes in natural cleaning products.

    Promising review: "This product is amazing! It works fast with pretty minimal elbow grease. The stainless-steel sponge that comes with it makes it easier. And it smells great!" —Melissa C.

    Get it from Everneat on Etsy for $19.99 (available in three scents).

    You, speeding through all your tasks because of these products: