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    11 Products For Anyone Who Hates Unpacking While On Vacay

    Ugh, unpacking on vacay πŸ‘Ž β€” there's an easier way.

    1. AΒ Lay-n-Go cosmetic bag, because it easily spreads open so you can find your sunscreen in no time flat without having to unpack all your stuff. And, when you're done, you just pull the drawstring to cinch the bag closed.

    A model opening the bag so it lays flat with all the makeup in it
    Lay-n-Go / YouTube / Via www.youtube.com

    Promising review: "I was tired of fumbling around in my cosmetics case and saw this. I was skeptical, but...WOW! On my recent two-week trip to Europe, with constant laying out and packing up, this item was wonderful. I could find what I wanted quickly, right away. Packing up was just a matter of pulling the drawstring. At first I wasn’t sure about changing to this bag, but now I could not do without it." β€”Mojosharkey

    Get it from Amazon for $24.95+Β (available in three sizes and 34 colors and patterns).

    2. Or aΒ waterproof toiletry bagΒ so you won't have to worry about someone else using your expensive moisturizer because there's no need to sprawl your things all over the bathroom vanity β€” just hang it up in the bathroom! And, the clear compartments make it easy to find what you're looking for.Β 

    The unfolded toiletry bag filled with products hanging on a bathroom wall
    reviewer holding the pink toiletry bag, which is folded up into a small carrying case

    Promising review: "I waited too long to review this amazing bag. It's incredibly well made for the price, holds so many items, but somehow feels like it fits just fine in your suitcase without being too bulky. It's really nice to hang once you get to your destination, especially if the bathroom space is tightΒ like in city hotels, or if you have numerous people using one bathroom, you can leave it hanging without being in the way. Anyway, buy now!" β€”Sarah B

    Get it from Amazon for $22.99+ (available in two sizes and 12 colors/styles).

    3. Solgaard's Carry-On ClosetΒ thatΒ has a six-tier, pop-out shelving system that will come in handy if you basically travel with your whole wardrobe but you don't want to hang everything up in the closet. You can leave everything as is β€” it's practically a closet on wheels.

    gif showing the six shelves popping out of the suitcase
    the open suitcase, which has several small storage compartments on one side and a larger one on the other

    BTW: the smaller size is accepted as a carry-on by all international airlines, including European budget ones, while the larger one meets all US airline standards.Β 

    Promising review: "Great design that allows me to organize everything I need in much less space than I ever expected. Take your time to select and pack your things thoughtfully and you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how much you can get into this carry-on. I have several pieces of luggage in multiple sizes and I’m giving them away because this is all I need. The size and versatility make it the perfect carry-on." β€”Michelle C.

    Get it from Solgaard for $275+ (available in two sizes and six colors).Β 

    4. A personalizedΒ large travel jewelry case β€” you'll be able to pack all your accessories instead of just choosing a few pieces and without everything getting tangled. And, you can easily find an accessory to complete your OOTD while on vacay, without having to unpack anything.Β 

    one closed jewelry box with initials and a model going through an opened jewelry box
    My Charm Workshop/Etsy

    My Charm Workshop is a small biz based in Los Angeles that sells personalizable jewelry boxes, organizers, and travel cases so you can take you accessories with you everywhere.Β 

    To add letters or a name, chose a thread color then comment in the personalization section the font and text you'd like on the box.

    Promising review: "Awesome! Holds all my jewelry β€” which is a lot. It's easy to travel with, looks beautiful on a dresser top, it’s personalized, keeps everything neat and tidy and in its place. I’m really happy I chose this over the many other jewelry box options out there. It saves a lot of time trying to decide what jewelry to travel with or how to pack it up if you need to go. I’m super happy with it. It’s worth it to have as a travel option. I got the large. If you’re looking at it as only for travel for a few items maybe get the smaller size as the large fits a whole bunch of jewelry, more than I expected it to hold. Great product and came beautifully packaged!" β€”Annelise

    Get it from My Charm Workshop on Etsy for $70+ (available in 12 bag colors, 40 thread colors, and with or without personalization).

    5. A set ofΒ compression packing cubesΒ that will not only save space, but also separate your clothing so everything is organized and easier to find. You won't have to rummage through your suitcase or unpack to find your swimsuit. All you have to do is fold your clothes, slip them into these bags, and then press down to flatten. And, these cubes help protect your clothes from wrinkles!

    A reviewer's suitcase with two of the packing cubes inside
    Four of the cubes in various sizes in black

    Pst, if you want to be even more organized, use labels so you'll know where everything is without having to unpack your suitcase.

    Promising review: "I received these in time for a cruise and absolutely love them. I was able to pack enough and then some for myself and my boyfriend for a four-day cruise. Had a lot of room left in the suitcase for shoes, etc. I highly recommend getting these for travel." β€”Kim

    Get a four-pack for $24.99+Β (available in packs of four, five, and six and in various colors/patterns).

    6. An in-flight pouchΒ if you use a lot of things during your flight and don't want to have to worry about taking it all out of your carry-on. This can hang on the seat in front of you to keep all your devices and accessories organized and it'll make it easier for you to find what you need. Now, you'll have the perfect way to store and access your tablet, Kindle, earbuds, and chargers because that little pocket under the tray table is just not spacious enough.

    The pouch hanging on the back of a chair on a plane filled with items
    Charge It Your Way/Etsy

    Charge It Your Way is a small biz that sells wallets and other travel accessories.Β 

    Promising review: "This item is beautifully made, and holds a lot of stuff." β€”Nicole

    Get it from Charge It Your Way on Etsy for $45+ (available in four colors and two fabrics).

    7. A hanging shelf organizerΒ so you'll be able to "unpack" instantly. All you have to do is pull it out of your suitcase and hang it up in the closet. This allows you to activate vacay-mode ASAP because there's no need to put your things away.

    The organizer in a suitcase
    The organizer hanging

    Promising review: "Wow, makes my frequent travel much easier! No more unpacking! It fits perfectly in my small to medium bag and holds over a weeks worth of clothes. Big win so far!" β€”Jilda

    Get it from Amazon for $49.99+ (available in four sizes, two colors, and three styles).

    8. A shoe storage travel bag, because you won't have to unpack all your shoes one-by-one. This will store all of of your kicks neatly and make it so much easier to stay organized. You can even hang it in your closet by the handles.

    The travel bag opened and filled with various pairs of shoes

    Promising review: "I always bring sooo many shoes on vacation and it turns the bottom of my suitcase into a disaster. Plus, I have to pack and unpack them individually. This caddy will be the perfect solution...all shoes in one bag and easy packing/unpacking." β€”S. ChaseΒ 

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99.

    9. Or a sneaker duffel bag that'll store all your shoes and has a ton of pockets so you can access all of your stuff without having to unload all your things β€” you can practically live out of it. It holds four pairs or shoes, has two large side pockets, a huge front pocket, and a mesh interior pocket.

    The duffle bag filled with four pairs of shoes
    The duffle bag

    Promising review: "This bag is amazing! Has so many cool pocket compartments. Even has a cooler pocket lined with insulation to keep your drinks cool. Has holes in the top so the fabrics can breathe. Can easily change the width of the dividers. Size is about equal to a large gym bag. Very happy with the bag. Seller is amazing is you have questions too." β€”Mike M.

    Get it from Amazon for $59.99.

    10. A charger organizer, because you won't have to whip out a bunch of wires, chargers, and tech accessories. This will hold everything neatly and all in one place β€” making it super easy to find what you need without having to unpack.

    above shot of the organizer with many different cords held in it
    Mister Crafter / Etsy

    Mister Crafter is a small business that creates handmade, personalizable travel products, wallets, and accessories made from 100% top-quality genuine cowhide leather.

    Promising review: "I bought this for my husband before a trip and he loved it! The quality and durability were obvious the moment I took it out of the box. Definitely recommend this company and product." β€”Maureen Murphy-Weiss

    Get it from Mister CrafterΒ on Etsy for $39.80+ (orginally $56.86+; available in two sizes and two colors; personalization also available).

    11. AΒ transparent toiletry bagΒ so you can ~clearly~ see all of your things without having to take everything out of your suitcase β€” making it wayyy easier to leave everything packed while still being able to find what you need.Β 

    a reviewer photo of lots of toiletries sitting next to an orange bag with a transparent front
    a reviewer photo of all the toiletries packed into the bag

    Promising review: "I travel very frequently and had never heard of a liquid travel bag like this before. I was a little worried because the back is not see-through, so I brought a 1-quart plastic baggie as backup just in case. But everything I needed fit perfectly and I had no issues in TSA/China security. So far I have been through MSP, IAD, NKG, and PEK airports using this pack already and it's a life-changer! I will never again have to worry about having to scramble to buy baggies just for liquids, and it is much more durable." β€”Courtney Swanson

    Get it from Amazon for $13.99Β (available in 11 colors).

    You, completely avoiding unpacking everything because of this list: