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    6 Skincare Tips To Save Your Skin From Mother Nature

    This is For the Editorial Fellowship

    Winter is here...

    At this time of year, we're dealing with freezing winds and rainy days. Wintertime is when your skin is most vulnerable, so I put together a list of 6 skincare tips guaranteed to help your winter skin:

    1. Avoid petroleum-based ingredients

    I remember the days when my mom would slather vaseline on my face during the winter to keep it from drying out. She had good intentions, but this is NOT good for your skin. Any products containing petroleum or even mineral oils aren’t the best thing for your skin (I suggest you remove these products from your skincare routine). They seal off air, water and everything else from getting underneath or leaving the surface. So, it won’t let your skin breathe and can trap dirt underneath.

    2. Drink a lot of water

    Cold weather can dry out your skin, hair and everything in between. Drinking mostly warm drinks like tea, coffee, and hot chocolate can also lead to dry skin. While I understand the need to stay warm, don’t forget to drink copious amounts of water. You’re not only hydrating your body but your skin as well. Skincare isn't just about the products you use, but about what you put into your body as well.

    3. Exfoliate

    It’s hard to keep your skin moisturized if you don’t exfoliate. It helps remove all the dead skin off of your face so you can impart moisture to your skin. Just take a towel, or exfoliating cream and rub your face. If you have sensitive skin I don’t recommend doing this often, maybe once a week or whenever you feel like your face isn’t receiving moisture.

    4. Use a humidifier

    During the winter we keep our heat on blast, which has caused me to get nosebleeds sometimes because of the dry air. Get a humidifier to put moisture back into the air so your skin doesn’t dry out.

    5. Avoid Hot Showers

    A lot of women (and men) love taking scalding hot showers. I am one of them. During the winter hot showers just feels better on my body. But exposing so much hot water to your skin can actually cause it to dry out. I recommend taking a shower or bath in lukewarm water. It won’t feel as good, but your skin will thank you.

    6. Moisturize immediately

    After you wash your face you should moisturize it immediately. Fresh from the shower, your face is going to be clean, moisturized and hydrated. Moisturize right after washing to trap in all that hydration.

    Use these tips and you'll have freshly moisturized skin whenever Spring decides to show up.