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11 TV Struggles Every '90s Kid Remembers

A long, long time ago…the struggle was real.

1. Having to choose between two TV shows that aired at the same time because DVR didn't exist.

2. Waking up super early to watch Saturday-morning cartoons.

3. Having to actually remember channel numbers.

4. Not knowing what was on TV without the newspaper or the real TV Guide in hand.

5. Or once the guide channel existed, waiting till it circled back to the channel you wanted.

6. Not getting home in time and missing your show.

7. Trying to write down the address for mail-in contests as fast as they were being shouted.

8. Being super jealous of kids whose families had RVs with TVs in them.

9. Trying to record something but not being able to put the VHS in and hit record fast enough.

10. And carefully labeling VHS tapes you'd recorded so that no one would record over them.

11. The sad day when those TV show age ratings came out, and your parents decided to crack down on shows that all of the sudden were not appropriate.

Now nothing stands between you and good TV. The top 100 shows are preloaded and ready to watch with XFINITY.