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10 Browser Extensions Every College Student Should Download

More right-clicks, fewer wrong clicks. Get more done with America's fastest Internet.

1. Double-click a word to look up its definition...

2. ...or right-click for a list of synonyms.

3. Read articles without any distractions...

4. ...and file pages off-line for safe keeping.

5. Learn how to speed-read pretty much everything.

6. Permanently highlight text on the web.

7. Temporarily block websites to keep you focused...

8. ...or divide your time to give yourself breaks.

9. Memorize facts with tried-and-true flash cards.

10. Automatically generate website citations.

Isn't that easier? Make sure that sluggish Internet doesn't slow down your study sesh with XFINITY — the fastest Internet in America, according to 💻 📶

Circulating thumbnail images via Thinkstock.