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21 Emotions We All Experience While Watching The X Factor

It’s not just a TV show — it’s an emotional rollercoaster and we’re all on it. Tune in to The X Factor on ITV and have all the feelings at once. Watch X Factor live shows at 8pm on Saturdays and Sundays.

1. Anticipation

2. Panic

3. Eh. Whatever.

4. Indignant

5. Relief

6. Nervous

7. Disbelief

8. Sure as all hell

9. Resolute

10. Less resolute

11. The urge to go on the internet and see what they're saying

12. The urge to correct the people on the internet

13. Defensive

14. Fury

15. The feeling of being LOUD and CORRECT.

16. Nope, Still Fury

17. Love

18. All the emotions at once

19. Pride

20. Bereft

21. Impatient

It's okay. We'll get through this together.

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Watch X Factor live shows at 8pm on Saturdays and Sundays.