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Elements, the biggest east coast dance competition, took place this past weekend in Boston. Boston’s very own, Static Noyze, took 3rd place with this amazing tribute to Britney Spears. Amazing. Wow. Just WOW! Britney should hire them. Just. Saying

Xavier__Nunez 8 years ago


Racism is more than black vs white.

Xavier__Nunez 8 years ago

The Boston Dance Scene Is On The Rise

With L.A. and NY running the show in the mainstream dance world, Boston makes its case for being the next major dance city. There is so much talent packed into this small, but vibrant, city. The college capital of the world is filled with dancers from all over the world who have chosen to hone their dance skills while earning a degree. The Raw talent in Boston is amazing, and I'm in love with it. I want the world to fall in love with it as well.

Xavier__Nunez 8 years ago