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10 Internet Easter Eggs That Are Completely Awesome

We all love the Internet. So can you imagine what would happen if America’s wireless Internet network suddenly became slow and unaffordable? Check out some nifty Easter eggs to remind you of the Internet’s awesomeness, and take a stand by urging Congress to keep America’s wireless Internet network competitive!

The Problem:

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Our economy, along with our cell phones, tablets, and other wireless devices are in jeopardy.

If you want the United States to have better broadband wireless Internet access, take action now!

Tell Congress that broadband penetration and spectrum scarcity are serious issues that must be addressed today.

How you can help take a stand:

1. Hidden Pac-Man

2. Glittery Unicorn Attack On ESPN

3. Mini Cooper in Reverse

4. Konami Code On BuzzFeed

5. The Awesome Rainbow Chicken Dance

6. Facebook Pirate Language

7. Google Reader Ninjas

8. Aim Express Tetris

9. Newsweek's Zombie Invasion

10. YouTube Snake Game