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    13 People At The National Barbie Collectors Convention Tell Us Why They Love Barbie

    Last week, 800 hardcore Barbie collectors gathered in Nashville to buy, sell, and trade dolls, clothes, and tiny furniture. I asked vendors and attendees one question: "Why do you love Barbie?"

    1. "I love Barbie because she gives me the chance to be creative."

    2. "It brings back the warm fuzzies of my childhood."

    3. "Because she is eternal, like our city — Rome!"

    4. "Because she reminds me of fun times with my grandparents."

    5. "Inspiration."

    6. "She changes with the times."

    7. "She encompasses the history of pop culture — all in 11.5 inches."

    8. "Anything is possible with Barbie."

    9. "The friendships I've made."

    10. "Because she has gowns I can only dream of wearing."

    11. "Because Barbie can do and be anything."

    12. "Because she is the ultimate pop culture icon."

    13. "Because she reminds me of my childhood, and I refuse to grow up."