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12 Signs You Need A Personal Assistant

Everyone needs a little help from time to time. Luckily Microsoft Cortana can help organize all the things that you just don't have time to get to.

1. Your inbox is literally screaming for help.

2. You dream of "having time" to pick up that one package at the post office.

3. You find comfort in the fact that your voicemail is too full to accept any other messages at this time.

4. You hope one day to have a cool desktop image that you can actually see.

5. None of your socks ever match, and you can't figure out why.

6. No matter what you do, you're always at least 10 minutes late.

7. Your car is basically moonlighting as a trash can.

8. You never put anything on your calendar so people think you have time for stuff you don't actually have time for.

9. You haven't worked out in months because you can't remember where you left your sports bag.

10. Your dates are over before they start because you always forget to make a reservation.

11. Your dry cleaning is basically a donation because you never remember to pick it up.

12. You can't help but make the world your "filing cabinet."

It's OK to need some help with the small stuff. So let Cortana help you organize your life on any of your Windows 10 devices.