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15 Things You Didn't Know Microsoft's Cortana Could Do

Cortana is here and literally in the palm of your hand. Check her out when you upgrade to Windows 10 for free.

This is Cortana:

She's your digital assistant / BFF across your Windows devices.

Just click the microphone icon, and you can try out some of this stuff by speaking to her.

1. Literally. As you guys talk, she gets to know you like a friend would.

2. She's the perfect BFF, actually, because she can't tell when you cheat at rock-paper-scissors.

3. She helps you with things you didn't know you needed help with.

4. She'll search your PC to find that cleverly named document that you aren't clever enough to find anymore.

5. She'll make you laugh if you need it.

6. She can also make you think.

7. She's the type of friend who won't let you forget to pick up that bread.

8. But, she's not just a friend. She's a calendar god.

9. She can connect you to her other friends in high places.

10. She does a few impressions if you need an ice breaker at the party.

11. She knows that friends don't let friends get caught without an umbrella.

12. She's a bit of a know-it-all really (but in a good way).

13. For the record, she's kind of a dog person (or, dog "A.I." — whatever).

14. Finally, she's super smart.

15. Like, she nails it on the regular.

Have Cortana help you out today by upgrading to Windows 10 for free.

Images courtesy of Microsoft.