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    Thoughts You Have The First Time You Study At The SLC

    Yes, you CAN love a building that much.

    Brick building, brick building, brick building, bri- Oh HELLO.

    Starbucks? Yes! Wait, no, I don't need the $7 latte. Walk away, WALK AWAY.

    *Gets into elevator*

    Okay, I need to stop staring out of the window. People are looking. *Keeps staring at Yonge St.*

    I see you, Ms. Non-Ryerson sweater. I see you.

    Sorry! I didn't know the 7th floor is for silent study!

    *3 Minutes Later* Seriously, doesn't she know the 7th floor is for silent study?

    Awesome, this study room is empty!

    Oh, you have it booked.

    Are they seriously just using it to watch Grey's Anatomy?

    SHOTTY BEANBAG. *Runs across Beach Floor*

    Aw, these motivational quotes on the stairs are super cute.

    What did I even come here to do again?

    Okay, I'll just take a quick nap.

    "Sorry, you can't sleep here."

    Why can't I connect my laptop to the screen?

    Is this entire wall a whiteboard?

    That's it, I'm never leaving!

    "It's 1 AM, the SLC is now closed. We're going to have to ask you to leave."

    But seriously, the SLC is the best and I don't know where Ryerson students went before it existed.