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12 Lessons From Mom We Learned To Love

Mom was always full of sound advice — we just didn't want to listen. But then we grew up and realized she was right all along. Here are some classic mom-isms we learned to love, brought to you by Whirlpool®.

1. "Save your pocket money."

2. "Chew your food properly."

3. "Be nice to the neighbors."

4. "Don't jump on the bed."

5. "Share your chocolate with your sister."

6. "Wear clean underwear, in case you get into an accident."

7. "Make your bed."

8. "Eat your vegetables."

9. "Don't stand so long in front of the refrigerator."

10. "Brush your teeth every day."

11. "Spend time with your grandparents."

12. "Pay attention when I'm talking to you."