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12 Ways To Make Your Home More Flexible

No space? No problem! Here are some suggestions from Whirlpool to keep your home flexible for anything life throws at you!

1. Make real use of all your available space.

2. Add shelves to all the little nooks and crannies.

3. Save wall space with magnetic storage options for your fridge.

Magnetic condiment and spice baskets are also great space-saving options.

4. Divide open spaces into private spaces with curtains...

5. ...or a tall bookcase or media center.

6. Get a bed that works double duty for you with a storage compartment.

7. Get a table that folds out of the way for a breakfast nook when you need it.

8. Organize things in your fridge by category, so you can keep track of what you have and waste less.

9. Use magnets to hang up grooming supplies within arm's reach in the bathroom.

10. Get the most of your closet space by linking two hangers together with a soda can tab.

Get the instructions for this super-easy trick here.

11. Turn any couch into a coffee table with a slick wood arm wrap.

12. Or use an antique trunk as a coffee table for a table you can store things in.