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23 Reasons Why Having A Full-Time Job Is Overrated

It's easy to forget a full-time job isn't all it's cracked up to be. Just a friendly reminder, courtesy of We're the Millers, on Blu-ray or Digital HD.

1. You have to wake up early.

2. And put on shoes.


4. You have to wear pants.


5. When the weather is like this... can't stay home and do this:

6. The trains are packed with other commuters.

7. You get stuck in rush-hour traffic...

8. ...and then you have to find a place to park.

9. You have to deal with co-workers...

10. ...and their germs...

11. ...and they'll stab you in the back to get that promotion.

12. A communal kitchen means communal dirty dishes...

13. ...and a VERY disgusting sponge.

14. You can't control the thermostat.

15. You have to talk to this guy.

16. You have to talk to this guy.

17. You get stuck in endless meetings.

18. You have to pay MORE taxes.

19. You're not allowed to nap.

20. You're not allowed to have cats.

21. You're not allowed to have napping cats.

22. You can't help but feel like this:

23. And then you have to do it all over again tomorrow.