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10 Collaborations That Prove Art Should Be A Team Sport

When artists work together, they take creativity to the next level. Head over to WD Ventito™ to find more people working together to make awesome art.

1. Banksy in Real Life

Artists have taken Banksy's iconic graffiti portraits and staged them in real life (and now with LEGOS), showing that there are infinite perspectives when art inspires art

2. Drawing Restraint 9

Matthew Barney created 19 numbered pieces (including a film) all inspired by and focused on Björk. This collaboration explores the idea of identity in the eyes of another.

3. Star Wars Uncut

This film is the quintessential social art collaboration. The creators mashed up over 350 video clips that reshot, redrew, and redirected the original Star Wars films. It's about two hours long, and it's awesome.

4. Burning Man

This festival is fascinating. It endeavors to explore what people do when left in the desert 100 miles from anywhere. Yeah... at least one of the answers is: make art!

5. Twitch Plays Pokémon

6. The Muppets

The Muppets have worked with a ton of celebrities and cultural icons. They are the Saturday Night Live of felt — masters of collaboration. They are proof that if you change a few things and keep the rest, any concept can be entertaining FOREVER.

7. The Cosplayers

Cosplayers are as silly as they are awesome. They solidify fan bases and redefine the stories and images they bring to life. Cosplay is a collaboration of identity; it broadens the scope and meaning of art. Some art, at least.

8. The Johnny Cash Project

9. Transience

These installations were created by Chile-born artist Iván Navarro in NYC's Madison Square Park. The public setting gives the piece a collaborative social application that furthers its themes.

10. Andy Warhol and Jean-Michel Basquiat