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Make A Grilled Sausage Dinner And We'll Tell You Who You Really Are

This interactive recipe quiz will help you build a customized recipe just for you.

Whether you're new to cooking or you *absolutely* know your way around the kitchen — we have a grilled sausage recipe just for you!


So here's how it works: When you press play on the video above, you'll be guided through a series of questions. And for each, you just need to select which delicious option you prefer!

For example, first you'll have to choose which pasta you prefer to cook with: gnocchi or spaghetti?

Next, pick your favorite type of sauce. Keep watching in order to choose the rest of the ingredients that make the grilled sausage dinner of your dreams.

Once you're done you can even go to the customized recipe you created, so you can make the meal for yourself or your friends IRL.

What'd you think? Let us know in the comments below!