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    Proof Why Trump Won The 2016 Election: A Look Back

    My friends there is something I must share with you concerning the election. Many of you were surprised and confused by the results. What appeared to be a relatively easy victory ended up being something completely different. Countless individuals felt as though they were almost in a dreamlike state. They were unable to quantitatively understand why they were feeling the way they were and how the events unfolded as they did. All of the customary predicting indicators were in place and served as reasonably good tools throughout history. But not this time, and there is a good reason for that. The negativity and downright pathetic behavior that was demonstrated demoralized and subdued a great United States. What once was a great nation based on unity and freedom was now being verbally dismembered by one insult after another. In many private conversations across the land, this presidential election was being touted as the Jerry Springer election. Actions by each candidate mirrored scenarios that regularly appeared on his TV show. Many inflammatory words and statements causing human division were thrown as spears causing much pain and suffering. Such viciousness was intended not to maim but cause death. The human race should not treat each other this way. We understand the enemy far more than you do, and I guarantee you it is not one another. That is why we stepped in and “rigged” this election. This term by the end of this explanation will become meaningless. We shepherd in an alternate path. At this point, I’m sure everyone is asking what gives us the right to influence democracy. And you are 100% correct. We have no right to do any such thing. However, there are some important key elements to the story of which you are unaware. Although we put some timeline markers in your history to prove our actions, they are likely invisible to most. In fact, the president-elect himself was used to deliver part of this proof by using the phrase “rigged election”. The other marker that we left as our fingerprint was the manikin challenge that became popular during the last month of the election. Sure, this sounds very confusing to you, but I’ll do my best to explain. The unaltered version of history that existed prior to our current state was much different with devastating consequences. You see, the original results were reversed from today, but what wasn’t was how the people reacted after the election. In the previous timeline, citizens were not willing to accept that their candidate had won the majority vote but lost the election. Civil unrest led to bloodshed and many deaths. Although both candidates tried their hardest to reel in society, it was impossible. Once the fuse ignited, it was impossible to extinguish it. The United States of America was experiencing complete and utter collapse. We knew there was a chance that a course correction could be attempted, but the only way we could get approval to move forward was to talk to the two candidates involved. If they did not both agree to our course correction, we could not move forward. There was never any fear that they would disclose what took place because they surely would be branded as insane. It was our responsibility to at least attempt the continued existence of America. The challenges that lie in just the next two years are much more significant to humanity than are currently imagined. Despite what citizens make believe, there are individuals that live in the great United States that must be able to continue on their journey to help fulfill humanity’s quest. We were allowed one opportunity to attempt reset. That outcome would stand however it may be. In the original outcome we witnessed two years ago, the weeks after the election spread total chaos to practically every corner of the country - brother against brother, friend against friend, family against family. The outcome was disastrous, and we knew the future would only be worse. Our only choice was to return to 2016 and convene a meeting with the two candidates. There were lengthy conversations discussing the alternate plans utilizing the far-reaching aspects of reality with the hope of success. Through much negotiation, the only plan that seemed to have the slightest possibility of success would be to reverse the results for the candidates, which is what you see today. That would mean the first choice would surrender the presidency to the second choice. Certainly this required a great personal cost, but sacrificing her own personal goals for the sake of humanity was the highest calling anyone could receive. Thankfully, she willingly accepted. Once they both agreed at this alternate line of action, it was put into play. Changing history was not as difficult as it may seem. All we did was add a few key phrases, a couple of timely news items, and some highly concentrated soundbites to the weeks before the election. One candidate refused to do it unless he could be honest with the American people saying it was a “rigged election”, though he knew the people would believe it was “rigged” differently than he was admitting. The other candidate had sacrificed a lifelong dream but now had a much greater understanding of the purpose of humanity. Though no one will understand the current outcome, it was necessary. I’m here to tell you that because of the choices that they agreed to together the country still has the chance to succeed. On the surface this sounds like a wild imagination drenched in sci-fi fantasy. If that is what you choose to believe that your choice. It doesn’t change the outcome or the truth that, in all situations, putting others before yourself results in good - even when that good is masked by sorrow or frustration. Because of these leaders’ choices, the country still has a chance. Their sacrifice calls for one simple response. Love one another. You are one people, one humanity, one beautiful existence. Act as such. For those of you that believe even one millionth of a percent chance that some reality may lie in what I said, here are some points to ponder. The one candidate was practically begged by his staff not to use the word “rigged”, however, our influence and his commitment to truth made it impossible for him to restrain himself. If you watch the recordings, it seems to escape his mouth from an alternate source of power. This utterance is the first mark. The second mark is lies in time. Time cannot exist without life and life cannot exist without time. Time proceeds in a linear fashion as is if one still image is tied to another. The sequence of those images flipping from one to the other creates events as we know them. In the highly unlikely situation where it is necessary to reset events, different images are inserted to change history’s direction. Like a skilled surgeon removing a particular phrase or event and inserting another, each change alters a path of events and, therefore, the course of history. The manikin challenge during the closing days of the election was our deepest cut. Though to most it seemed like playful fun, it was brought to humanity’s attention to signify the change. A pause in time allows events to be altered for a better outcome. Our hope was that our shift in your culture could provide sufficient stability to avert a collapse. The third and final mark of the time reset is the candidates’ obvious behavioral changes. After the insertion of specific modifications, it became evident that history would have the opportunity for a different outcome. To persuade them to agree to the shift, the candidates simultaneously viewed glimpses of the previous history's aftermath. Evidence of this viewing is prevalent in the immediate reversal of the once mighty foes behavior. To us, the response is blatantly supernatural. Following the new, altered results, the two contenders’ behavior reflected one human race, with one goal to love one another. The one substantial hurdle that remained was the Storytellers. Instead of marveling at the grace and forgiveness that was being demonstrated by the leaders, their focus on the negative aspect of the election seemed to be a relentless pursuit more irritating than a bad toothache. It was unfortunate that these influencers chose pursuit of negativity as their focus. Highlighting the goodness of humanity always will promote more goodness, and focusing on the failures of humanity only promotes more failures. Yes, we did “rig” the election. However, we view our actions as providing humanity with an important insight. If they open their eyes, they will recognize themselves as one species in this time and space. You will not receive a second opportunity. Take advantage of the gift that you have been given. Sacrifice and be honest like your leaders. Treat each other as you want to be treated. Victor Wolas