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What Goes Through Your Dog's Mind When He Gets In A Car

Dogs enjoying a road trip – is there any happier sight known to man? Take a look inside the excited minds of these pooch passengers courtesy of Volkswagen UK - after all, they know every car has its own canine companion. Check out Volkswagen UK to learn more!

'What's that, master?'

'The car, you say?'

'Are you serious?!'

'PLEASE tell me we're going for a drive...'

'Wait - will the wind mess with my hair?'

'Because when it gets messed up, I can't do a thing with it…'


'Let me just grab my seatbelt first.'

'Wait. I'm moving... but I'm NOT moving?!'

'Ooh. Wind in my hair WITHOUT running? This is heaven.'

'I'm a co-pilot.'

'We've decided: we want to go to the dog food shop.'

'Do I look cool? I feel quite cool.'

'Seriously man, thanks for this.'

'All this excitement is making me...zzzzz'

So...what are you waiting for?

It's time you hit the road with Volkswagen's furry friends - and find out which model suits your life (and your dog)!

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