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14 Things Dads Get Abnormally Excited About

There are some things dads love more than the rest of us. Here's how to get a dad pumping his fist in the air, brought to you by Volkswagen.

1. Any and all power tools.

2. Feats of strength...

3. ...and hand-eye coordination.

4. Weird backyard inventions.

5. Sundays on the couch watching football...

6. ...and making it through an entire game without injury.

7. "Dad faces" in photos.

8. Successful lessons in transportation.

Teaching your children how to get from point A to point B is a sacred duty of fatherhood.

9. Fine art.

10. Universal remotes.

11. A hot cup of black coffee.

12. Books and TV shows about explorers.

13. A flawless magic trick.

14. Getting the whole family together for Game Night.

And few things get dads fired up like great cars, which is why dads love Volkswagen. Why, you ask? Volkswagen has the most vehicles on the road with over 100,000 miles.

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