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    I, The Immigrant

    There is no more cringe-inducing word than “hola,” particularly when it is articulated between gargles and gulps of light beer. For being the most widely known word in Spanish (its popularity often competing with “si,” and “uno, dos, tres” or phrases of the likes of “uno poquito español”), it comes as a surprise that “hola” has been transfigured from greeting into a grunt. A long-winded kind of grunt, one that is sort of reminiscent to a phlegm.

    Party City

    North Carolina doesn’t deserve a terrible rep, though. After moving from Mexico City to Davidson two and a half years ago, I have found that my endearing college town of one hundred people and my College of five have gone to great extents to diversify. A Mexican restaurant opened on our block-long Main Street and it’s not awful. The other day, I tried to buy wine using my legitimate Mexican voting ID and the cashier’s reaction was “this is hilarious!” – a nice change of pace from “what the hell is this shit?” I get at the local dive bar. My ID has been turned down in all of the aforementioned cases

    So what does one hyper-aware Mexican woman do in the age of identity politics, Trump, Lil’ Yachty, Tasty, and Tom Brady still winning super bowls? My go-to answer involves consuming industrial amounts of smoked fish, watching an episode of Seinfeld every day, and secretly but not so secretly indulging in the accuracy of every single “Just Latina Things” post that pops up on my newsfeed. This, unfortunately, is an unsatisfying answer. I’m well aware that my love for smoked fish and Larry David in a cape is not universal. However, I have crafted a list of tips for I, the immigrant, to keep myself occupied during the remaining tenure of my college career.

    Insert yourself in anything Donald Trump all the time

    Do it again

    Ask the right questions

    Stay informed

    Share your favorite articles from The New Yorker and hope that people back home don’t mistake The Borowitz Report for legitimate stories.

    Maintain an affective relationship with the motherland

    Get into the habit of liking smoked fish

    Say "Hola" back

    Actually, don’t. Don’t ever say hola back if you have learned and can articulate myriad greetings in English. I didn’t learn to say “howdy” for nothing.