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10 British Festivals That Are So Weird They're Really Quite Wonderful

Because who wouldn't want to spend their summer at a toe-wrestling competition?!

1. Kettlewell Scarecrow Festival, Yorkshire

2. World Toe Wrestling Championship, Derbyshire

3. Summer Solstice at Stonehenge, Wiltshire

4. International Festival of Wormcharming, Devon

5. Cheese-Rolling on Cooper's Hill, Gloucestershire

6. Scottish Highland Games, Scotland

7. Bog Snorkelling Championships, Wales

8. The Padstow ‘Obby ‘Oss, Cornwall

9. Great Dorset Chilli Festival, Dorset

10. World Gravy Wrestling Championships, Lancashire

Knockabout fun at the World Gravy Wrestling Championships yesterday #itsallgravybaby

Via Twitter: @fetchrobin

We've always been told not to play with our food, but wrestling in it seems fine, right?! The World Gravy Wrestling Championships is one of the most outlandish in the realm of culinary competitions. Opponents wrestle in the gravy for two minutes, and points are scored based on comic effect, fancy dress, and the entertainment factor. Quite the spectacle, this has taken place in a pool of Lancashire gravy for the past 10 years!

See! Britain offers so much more than just music festivals. Visit British Famous to learn more about the best and quirkiest things to do this side of the Atlantic.