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11 Pieces Of Travel Advice You Probably Haven't Heard

Or maybe you have. But here's a reminder. Right your travel wrongs, and be a well-travelled traveller with Visa.

1. Stuff some dryer sheets in your luggage.

2. Pack your socks inside your shoes.

3. Take a power board with you.

4. Bring earplugs. Lots of them.

5. Wear your fanciest outfit to the airport for a better chance at being upgraded.

6. If you pretend to be terrified of flying (or actually are) they'll let you board first.

7. Wear antimicrobial underwear on long-distance flights.

8. Sleeping in is not allowed – ever.

9. Make use of free hotel shower caps.

10. In summer months, always carry a light scarf or overshirt with you.

11. Be very careful asking strangers to take your photo.

OK so what kind of travel advice would a gold moneycat and a small koala give you? Let's find out:

View this video on YouTube

Basically, make sure you're a well travelled traveller, and travel with Visa.