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    Adult Night Out - Fae Masquerade Court Quiz!

    Greetings adventurers and magical beings! We are delighted you have accepted the invitation to Fae Masquerade! Before Stepping into the Fae Wilds for the evening, it is important to find out which of the four Courts of the Fae will be hosting you. Please answer the following questions to find out!

    About the Courts of the Fae

    There hasn't always been harmony amongst the Courts of the Fae. Long ago, the horrors of war plagued the lands far and wide. For years it seemed an impossible dream to put differences aside and allow for peace. Each court held firmly to their way of life, ideals, and beliefs and feared relenting in battle would mean one court would reign supreme. This was the way, until one day, three adventurers from a far-away land changed everything.

    These strange adventurers were fierce protectors, unmatched in strength and bravery. The warrior, mage, and druid traveled through the Wilds, getting to know each of the four Courts. They found immense beauty and sorrow everywhere they went. It was also evident that if the wars continued much longer, it could destroy them all. The adventurers saw an opportunity to unite the courts, so they hatched a plan.

    Seeing the widespread desperation, the adventurers proposed an annual tournament. Each court would elect a hero, and the four heroes of the Courts would compete against the strange adventurers. If a hero could defeat all three adventurers, that Court would win the battle and become leader of the Wilds for the next year. The adventurers would return each year for another tournament, giving each Court the opportunity to produce the greatest hero. What the Courts didn't know was that this adventuring group had other plans for the outcome of the tournament.

    All agreed to the tournament and it was the biggest event the Wilds had ever seen. It was the first time all the Courts gathered peacefully in one place. Each was hopeful that their Court would be the best, but one by one, the strange adventurers defeated them all. After besting the last hero, the three adventurers standing victorious, to the crowd's surprise, the heroes from all four Courts banded together and proposed one last fight.

    The Battle of the Fae and the Adventurers is now regarded as the most important day in the history of the Fae Wilds. For the first time, the four Courts of the Fae saw the strength and beauty of their forces united. The battle was long and no one was sure who would come out victorious. They didn't realize it, but unifying the Courts was the adventurers' plan all along. Together, the Courts defeated the adventurers to cacophonous cheers.

    Because of the tournament, the Courts were finally able to come together and end the wars. Since that day, they continue to hold annual tournaments, not for power, but for celebration of unity. Each year, the Courts search far and wide across the realms to find their hero. Fae Masquerade is this annual celebration and tournament. And if you have what it takes, you may just be the next hero of the Fae Wilds.