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    8 Reasons Why Facebook Is No Longer Anyone's First Choice

    Facebook was the way that we all connected when we were younger. We would constantly be posting on each other’s walls or messaging each other. It was the way that we would communicate after school, since the majority of us did not have cell phones. Now, we have a full list of friends that we don't even talk to! Most of these acquaintances tend to post things that do not resonate with us in a good way. Here are some reasons why Facebook is no longer our favorite social media website:

    1. Inappropriate posts on your news feed from old acquaintances.

    2. Creepy family members that you don't normally talk to commenting on every thing you post.

    3. Some more acquaintances that post harsh political view posts that you do not believe in.

    4. Hardcore feminists that post about anything and everything that's potentially sexist.

    5. Random people inviting you to play games on Facebook.

    6. The people who believe everything they read.

    7. Family or work friends can see EVERYTHING.

    8. ANYONE can find you.