Young People Today Will Have No Idea What It Was Like To Deal With These 15 Daily Inconveniences

    Remember when you had to get off the internet so your mom could use the phone??

    Kids, we hate to break it to you, but times were pretty tough at the beginning of the Information Age. I mean, it wasn't all Spotify and iPhones, okay? For example...

    1. Sometimes, you had to wait until it was nighttime in order to call someone on your phone — because it was literally cheaper that way!

    2. You'd have to use the family computer for everything, which meant having to delete your search history afterward.

    3. If you wanted to watch a movie or play a video game on your TV, you'd use these cables:

    4. After a big event, you'd wait weeks to see the photos you took, because that's how long it took to get them developed at the store.

    5. And most of the time, your photos ended up looking like this:

    6. Back when everyone first started texting, you'd use a phone like this — and you often had to hit one button three or four times just to get the correct letter.

    7. You carried all of your favorite tunes around with you in this form:

    8. **This** is how you got connected to the internet.

    9. If you wanted to know what was going to be on TV on any given night, you had to look it up in a newspaper.

    10. The hosts of the really hip TV show always invited you to email them.

    11. If you were fancy, you kept all of your contacts in an electronic organizer like this:

    12. And if you wanted to send your friends links to cool videos, articles or pictures, you did it over email.

    13. If you wanted to watch a movie but you weren't at your literal house, you did it on one of these babies:

    14. And finally, real ones will remember installing this protective screen in front of the computer to adjust the brightness of the screen.

    This post was translated from Portuguese.