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61 Thoughts Everyone Has On A First Date

Don't worry, everyone's been there. Watch what happens when couples go on a first date in the buff on Dating Naked, premiering July 17, 2014 on VH1.

1. Oooh, there's low lighting in here, good.

2. Am I making too much eye contact?

3. Am I making not enough eye contact?

4. Am I looking at the right eye or the left eye for too long?

5. Are they staring at my zit?

6. Oh no, they definitely noticed my zit.

7. Why did I even agree to this?

8. I hope I don't say something stupid.

9. Especially that one stupid thing.

10. I said the stupid thing.

11. Now I can't stop thinking about the stupid thing.

12. What do I say next?

13. Eeeesh, I just used the phrase "born and raised."

14. Is it OK to be silent for this long?

15. Why don't I know any good stories?

16. Has literally nothing ever happened in my life that I have no stories?

17. OH WAIT, I remember the one time that--

18. Wait, is that story OK to tell on a first date?

19. I want to go to the bathroom, but if I leave my phone on the table, are they going to check it?

20. I am so aware of the passing of time right now.

21. Why is my mouth so dry?

22. I'm so hungry.

23. I could be at home right now.

24. What if I pretended to take a phone call, walked outside the bar, and then just kept walking until I got on the train?

25. I don't think I want another drink.

26. Oh, they're ordering another drink. I guess I'll have another drink.

27. Wait, they're talking about their ex. I guess exes are on the table.

28. But not, like, on the table — whoops, where is my mind right now.

29. Wonder if they know that I Googled them beforehand.

30. Did they Google me?

31. Don't mention anything you found out about them when you Googled them.

32. Too late.

33. Did I just laugh too loud?

34. I'm legit hungry, but I have to keep asking questions.

35. Oh no, do I have food in my teeth now?

36. Oh my god, THEY have food in their teeth! Should i say something? But now i've waited too long, it'll be weird.

37. I thought it was cold in here, so why am I sweating?

38. I'm so sweaty.

39. Are they going to finish that?

40. Should I ask for a bite?

41. Nothing is going wrong, why am I not more into this.

42. Why did I ask that? I'm not even interested in the answer to that.

43. Is there a subtle way to pick a wedgie?

44. I am so uncomfortable.

45. We're literally talking about the weather... thrilling.

46. This is not going well.

47. But is it actually?

48. #awkward

49. When will this be over?

50. Should I order another drink?

51. How many drinks is three drinks?

52. Wait. I'm drunk.

53. How bad is it to be drunk on a first date?

54. Am I being a bummer?

55. Thank god, there's the check.

56. Do we split it? What's gonna happen? Oh GOD.

57. PHEW, we're splitting it.

58. Do I give them a hug? A kiss?

59. I think my hand accidentally grazed their crotch.

60. I can't wait to do this again!

61. What is wrong with me?