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21 Mistakes You Made In The 2000s That You Don't Regret

From puka shell necklaces to Jonas Brothers posters, we all made mistakes in the 2000s. But those mistakes got us to where we are today, so why change a single thing? Relive your cringe-worthy glory days on VH1's I Love The 2000s, June 17-21!

1. Committing to this everlasting friendship...

2. ...and destroying friendships over these eight coveted spots:

3. The countless hours you spent watching the Numa Numa kid.

4. Forever immortalizing your frosted tips in your senior photo.

5. Memorizing the entirety of Napoleon Dynamite.

6. Investing in any (or all) of these mobile devices...

7. ...but mostly your full-hand-sized T-Mobile Sidekick...

8. ...and the time and effort you spent bedazzling it.

9. Picking the wrong side in this "feud":

10. Being a little pervert with your Sims.

11. Being a little sociopath with your Sims.

12. Lining up at midnight for the newest Harry Potter book.

13. Cranking that Soulja Boy.

14. Writing all your notes in gel pens.

15. Spending half your allowance showing off your mad Dance Dance Revolution skills.

16. All of the popped collars.

17. Setting your expectations for high school based on this show:

18. And thinking that they would actually come true because of this show:

19. Still using Napster to make mix CDs even after people started getting caught.

20. Pairing your UGG boots with absolutely everything.

21. And. All. Those. Late. Fees.