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12 Away Messages You Had And What They Actually Said About You

Sup? A/S/L? NM. You? Kewl. BRB gotta set record on my VCR, VH1’s I Love The 2000s is on June 17-21!

What It Actually Meant: Intentionally left out one initial because you know what you did, biznatch.

What It Actually Meant: Molly’s parents are out of town and I stole an open bottle of Schnapps from my parents, so we’re going to take sips from it and work our way down our phone contacts.

What It Actually Meant: Just found out I can’t go to session two of sleepaway camp, everyone ask me about it.

What It Actually Meant: My parents are taking me to dinner and I’ll be bored, so text me about pretty much anything.

What It Actually Meant: This was my first PG-13 movie, and I don’t understand how to use the word “ghetto” properly.

What It Actually Meant: I’m mad, and I’ll be even more mad if you don’t IM me to find out why.

What It Actually Meant: I was just chatting with my crush, and I think this is the best way for them to think about me naked.

What It Actually Meant: I needed to log off AIM so my mom could make a phone call.

What It Actually Meant: I can’t chat with my crush right now because I have to study, but I want them to be thinking about me, and I want them to think I’ve been past first base.

What It Actually Meant: I have a very reasonable schedule for a teenager, but here is exactly where I’m going to be if you want to “accidentally bump into me.”

What It Actually Meant: I haven’t told you I like you yet, but I know you love Lifehouse, so read my mind, OK?

What It Actually Meant: I’m actually mad.