Five Guys With No Beauty Experience Do Their Own Makeup

    The results are equally delightful and horrifying.

    If you're a person who wears cosmetics, you've likely heard a man say some version of the following:

    "What takes you so long to put on your makeup? It can't be THAT hard!" Ugh. Since beautifying oneself is so quickly and easily accomplished in the minds of many men, BuzzFeed challenged five of them to put on a full face of cosmetics in 10 minutes or less. They were each asked to use foundation, concealer, bronzer, blush, eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara, and lipstick. The bros were also made to swear on a stack of false eyelashes that they'd never done makeup before. And after seeing their artistry, you'll probably believe them.

    So what did these handsome fellows have to teach us about time-efficient makeup application?

    First, distribute your foundation evenly with the end of an eyeliner pencil.

    Brush your cheek color onto the lowest possible part of your face, ideally just above your jaw.

    Open your mouth as widely as possible in order to ensure proper mascara application.

    Use eyeshadow and liner to achieve a glamorous postmortem look.

    Definitely take some liberties with your lip lines.

    And check your work in a mirror throughout to make sure you're not overdoing it.

    The final results are monstrous, of course, but in a very endearing way.

    And the individual before and after shots are something else entirely. Isn't it amazing what a difference a little lipstick can make?

    All images via Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed.