12 Reasons You Can't Live Without Your False Eyelashes


    Oh, hello, didn't see you there!

    1. You've used eyelash glue to fix an entirely non-cosmetic problem.

    2. When people ask you, "Isn't putting them on hard?!" you're like *shrug.*

    3. You wink 73% more than your average human being.

    4. Your roommate has mistaken an errant lash strip for a spider on more than one occasion.

    5. Your beauty motto is, "Go big or go home."

    6. You understand how dumb this sentiment is.

    7. You don't much care if they look "natural" or not.

    8. You've learned to train your tear ducts to withstand even the saddest of movies.

    9. This is your face every year on October 30th.

    10. This is an accurate depiction of your makeup kit.

    11. Your partner didn't see you without them on for six months, at which point their face looked something like this.

    12. Some people are all, "Well, I only like them for special occasions." And you agree, because you believe EVERY DAY is a special occasion!