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11 People Talk About Their Most Memorable And Hilarious Gag Gifts

"I got everyone in my family portable potties because they are practical...and hilarious."

We asked our friends to tell us about their most memorable and hilarious gag gifts. 🎄

Here's what they said:


"I was at the mall around Christmastime in my early twenties when I thought it would be hilarious to give my parents a plate commemorating my face. Joke's on me because they love it and have proudly displayed it next to the living room TV ever since."

Ashley C.


"In my family, we have a tradition called a 'Ho Ho' gift, which is pretty much a gag gift from my grandma. One year, I told my grandma I wanted a 'nice face mask' (you know, nice moisturizing ones). Usually she is very specific and likes to know what brand I prefer, but I didn’t think anything of her silence at the time.

"On Christmas Day, I was opening my gift from her, and I pulled a bedazzled, feathered costume mask from my box. 'You told me you wanted a face mask, but you never said what kind!' she said. We had a good laugh about it, and she gave me the actual face masks later."

Emily C.


"My lovely boyfriend understands I'm a garbage heap who spends most of my life blowing my nose, so last year for Christmas he sprung for a leather mini tissue case. It's classy while also being full of tissues."

—Jana P.


"My family loves to hide money in random places. One Christmas, my mom got our oldest cousin a package of adult diapers. Inside each diaper she hid some money. It took my cousin quite a while to figure it out, but once he did, he was confused but grateful. I guess it just depends on how you look at the situation."

Clark M.


"An old boss of mine gave this coaster as a gift to me years ago. At first, I thought really hard about the way I present myself at the office, then I realized I'm evil without my coffee, so...I've continued to use it in every office and job since."

Kristen B.


"In high school, my golf team did a white elephant gift exchange, so I decided to wrap a framed picture of myself and write 'my hero' on it in permanent marker. Supposedly they still throw that ~gift~ in every year, so some unfortunate girl ends up with a framed picture of some random stranger (me)."

Alex S.


"Last year, I got everyone in my family portable potties because they are practical...and hilarious."

Jason S.


"When I was 7 and my sister, Jess, was 11, we were given beanbag animals as stocking stuffers; I got a beaver, and she got an elephant. When we opened it, my mom and dad said, 'You got the beaver because of your teeth' — this was pre-orthodontics for me — 'and Jess got the elephant because of her ears!'

"To this day, my parents swear they NEVER said that, but my sister and I remember it clearly because we are still working out teeth and ear insecurities in therapy. OK, not really, but our parents did totally tell us we had buck teeth and big ears on Christmas. At least we grew up humble?"

Mandy C.


"Jurassic Park scared me so badly when I was a kid that I didn't sleep for weeks after watching it. And every night before bed, I made my dad come into my room to check the closet for velociraptors. Eventually I got over it, and last Christmas he gave me this very lovely and thoughtful gift."

Eileen C.


"Every year, my mom buys a dancing snowman — or some other singing holiday animatronic — the day after Christmas while it's on sale for the next year's Yankee gift swap...and then does everything she can to make sure it's the gift she ends up with."

—Alex W.


"A few years ago, my wonderful mother wanted to gift my dad and me onesies for Christmas, even though my dad is characteristically known to dislike receiving presents around the holidays. Nevertheless, of all the onesies out there, my mum thought it would be hilarious to get a hooded bear onesie for my dad, a hooded giraffe onesie for me, and a ~normal~ one for herself...because, animals just aren't her style."

Jasmin S.

Skip the gag gifts and get your loved one a gift they’ll really enjoy this holiday season — with a little help from Verizon!