Kevin Hart Opened Up About Being Cancelled "Three Or Four Times" And.. It's A Lot

    "When did we get to a point where life was supposed to be perfect?"

    Another day, another hot take on cancel culture! This time from actor and stand-up comedian Kevin Hart.

    Kevin's new movie Fatherhood drops on Netflix soon, and with a new movie comes new press. Naturally, Kevin can't seem to do any interviews these days without talking about cancel culture.

    Not necessarily because he wants to, but because his name always seems to come up in dialogue about being cancelled.

    The movie star has seen his fair share of cancellation. Especially stemming from anti-gay comments he made earlier in his career that resurfaced in 2018, causing him to be removed from hosting the Oscars after refusing to apologize again.

    Nonetheless, Kevin and the conversation about cancel culture now go together like peanut butter and jelly, and he talked about it in a new interview with the Sunday Times.

    “When did we get to a point where life was supposed to be perfect? Where people were supposed to operate perfectly all the time? I don’t understand," he shared in the interview. "I don’t expect perfection from my kids. I don’t expect it from my wife, friends, employees. Because, last I checked, the only way you grow up is from fucking up. I don’t know a kid who hasn’t fucked up or done some dumb shit.”

    Kevin doesn't hold the people in his life to a standard of perfection, and the same goes for his relationship with himself.

    “I’ve been canceled, what, three or four times? Never bothered," he said. "If you allow it to have an effect on you, it will. Personally? That’s not how I operate."

    The comedian admits he's far from worried about the cancel machine. "If there’s a message to take from anything I’ve said, it’s that in this world of opinion, it’s OK to just disagree," he shared. "It’s OK to not like what someone did and to say that person wasn’t for me."

    At the end of the day, if you don't agree with what Kevin has to say, then guess what? That's totally fine by him!