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13 Places You Probably Shouldn't Be Sleeping

If you had the bed you deserved, it'd be easier to stay awake when and where it counts.

1. The conference room where you’re giving a presentation.

2. Or at Becky's dinner party.

3. Or any other party.

4. Or anywhere your "friends" are, really.

5. On a perturbed pinstripe shoulder.

6. On a moving treadmill.

7. Or on top of the notes you weren't taking.

8. In Bangor International Airport.

9. In the middle of the gallery with the priceless van Gogh.

10. Or in the middle of the sidewalk.

11. And probably not on a first date.

12. And certainly not when the deadline is in an hour.

13. And definitely not right where the grand piano is about to land.

All images via Thinkstock.

There's a time and place for shuteye, and the right mattress from Value City Furniture can help you doze off when it makes the most sense.