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12 Small Daily Sacrifices You Can Make To Save Money

Every penny counts! Saving money can be pretty intimidating. With these small tips from USAA, you could be well on your way to extra cash in no time!

1. Just bundle up when it gets cold!

2. Start taking cold showers, but make it quick if you find this uncomfortable.

3. Turn the water OFF when scrubbing dishes.

4. Ditch the cart when shopping for groceries.

5. Give up juice and soda, and drink water instead!

6. Put aside $10 every week and save up for something you really want.

7. Limit your eating out to once or twice a week.

8. Instead of going out with friends, just invite people over!

9. Make your own coffee! It's cheaper, and it's just a good skill to have.

10. Cancel that cable subscription!

11. Make your own lunch. Make it so tasty that your co-workers get jealous.

12. Ditch the car every chance you get!

USAA means United Services Automobile Association and its affiliates.